OLMA is a Sisterhood that offers unconditional acceptance in an environment that celebrates our differences and the unique gifts that God has given each of us.
Since 1962, parents have chosen Our Lady of Mercy Academy (OLMA) because it offers exceptional academics, leadership opportunities, an ever-growing athletics program, and more. Students make life-long friends and learn from highly qualified teachers and mentors who really care.
OLMA students excel as they receive every opportunity to grow and mature academically, socially, and spiritually — and to discover themselves. At OLMA, students are involved in every facet of the school. Our girls find their voices — and learn to use them to better themselves and others. Activities and clubs, as well as some sports and special academic offerings, are student-driven.
On graduation day, we take pride in knowing that our students are well prepared and moving on as self-aware, well-spoken, and self-confident young women. We know that their time at OLMA — with its all-girls’, faith-based, supportive environment — helped make it so.
If you are new to single-gender high schools, the benefits of all-girls schools are many and documented in countless studies conducted worldwide. Click here to learn more about the value of an all-girls education and then sample our story and how OLMA prepares women to lead a world of change.
Ready to take the next step? Find out more by calling or emailing us at olmainfo@olmanj.org. We can’t wait to welcome you to the OLMA Sisterhood.
Why All Girls?
If you are looking for a high school experience that will give your daughter endless opportunities to gain self-confidence, become a leader, and succeed beyond her wildest dreams, an all-girls environment may be a perfect fit.
OLMA is a proud member of the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools (NCGS). The NCGS is the leading advocate for girls’ schools, connecting and collaborating globally with individuals, schools, and organizations dedicated to educating and empowering girls. The research they have conducted has yielded astounding results. You'll find links to some examples and a variety of statistics and real-life examples of the benefits of an all-girls education.